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Companies Act 2013/1956
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Act - 2013/1956
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Chapter I - Preliminary (1 - 2)
Section 1- Short title, extent, commencement and application.
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Section 2 - Definitions
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Chapter II - Incorporation of Company and Matters Incidental Thereto (3 - 22)
Section 3- Formation of company.
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Section 3A - Members severally liable in certain cases
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Section 4- Memorandum.
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Section 5- Articles.
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Section 6- Act to override memorandum, articles, etc.
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Section 7- Incorporation of company.
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Section 8- Formation of companies with charitable objects, etc.
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Section 9- Effect of registration.
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Section 10- Effect of memorandum and articles.
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Section 10A- Commencement of business, etc.
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Section 11- Commencement of business, etc. [Omitted]
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Section 12- Registered office of company.
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Section 13- Alteration of memorandum.
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Section 14- Alteration of articles.
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Section 15- Alteration of memorandum and articles to be noted in every copy.
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Section 16- Rectification of name of company.
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Section 17- Copies of memorandum, articles, etc., to be given to members.
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Section 18- Conversion of companies already registered.
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Section 19- Subsidiary company not to hold shares in its holding company.
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Section 20- Service of documents.
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Section 21- Authentication of documents, proceedings and contracts.
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Section 22- Execution of bills of exchange, etc.
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Chapter III - Prospectus and Allotment of Securities (23 - 42)
Section 23- Public offer and private placement.
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Section 24- Power of Securities and Exchange Board to regulate issue and transfer of securities, etc.
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Section 25- Document containing offer of securities for sale to be deemed prospectus.
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Section 26- Matters to be stated in prospectus.
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Section 27- Variation in terms of contract or objects in prospectus.
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Section 28- Offer of sale of shares by certain members of a company.
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Section 29- Public offer of securities to be in dematerialised form.
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Section 30- Advertisement of prospectus.
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Section 31- Shelf prospectus.
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Section 32- Red herring prospectus.
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Section 33- Issue of application forms for securities.
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Section 34- Criminal liability for mis-statements in prospectus.
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Section 35- Civil liability for mis-statements in prospectus.
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Section 36- Punishment for fraudulently inducing persons to invest money.
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Section 37- Action by affected persons.
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Section 38- Punishment for personation for acquisition, etc., of securities.
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Section 39- Allotment of securities by company.
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Section 40- Securities to be dealt with in stock exchanges.
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Section 41- Global Depository Receipt.
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Section 42 - Issue of shares on private placement basis.
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Chapter IV - Share Capital and Debentures (43 - 72)
Section 43- Kinds of share capital.
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Section 44- Nature of shares or debentures.
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Section 45- Numbering of shares.
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Section 46- Certificate of shares.
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Section 47- Voting rights.
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Section 48- Variation of shareholders' rights.
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Section 49- Calls on shares of same class to be made on uniform basis.
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Section 50- Company to accept unpaid share capital, although not called up.
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Section 51- Payment of dividend in proportion to amount paid-up.
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Section 52- Application of premiums received on issue of shares.
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Section 53- Prohibition on issue of shares at discount.
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Section 54- Issue of sweat equity shares.
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Section 55- Issue and redemption of preference share.
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Section 56- Transfer and transmission of securities.
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Section 57- Punishment for personation of shareholder.
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Section 58- Refusal of registration and appeal against refusal.
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Section 59- Rectification of register of members.
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Section 60- Publication of authorised, subscribed and paid-up capital.
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Section 61- Power of limited company to alter its share capital.
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Section 62- Further issue of share capital.
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Section 63- Issue of bonus shares.
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Section 64- Notice to be given to Registrar for alteration of share capital.
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Section 65- Unlimited company to provide for reserve share capital on conversion into limited company.
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Section 66- Reduction of Share Capital
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Section 67- Restrictions on purchase by company or giving of loans by it for purchase of its shares.
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Section 68- Power of company to purchase its own securities.
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Section 69- Transfer of certain sums to capital redemption reserve account.
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Section 70- Prohibition for buy-back in certain circumstances.
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Section 71- Debentures.
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Section 72- Power to nominate.
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Chapter V - Acceptance of Deposits by Companies (73 - 76)
Section 73- Prohibition on acceptance of deposits from public.
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Section 74- Repayment of deposits, etc., accepted before commencement of this Act.
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Section 75- Damages for fraud.
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Section 76- Acceptance of deposits from public by certain companies.
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Section 76A - Punishment for contravention of section 73 or section 76.
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Chapter VI - Registration of Charges (77 - 87)
Section 77- Duty to register charges, etc.
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Section 78- Application for registration of charge.
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Section 79- Section 77 to apply in certain matters.
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Section 80- Date of notice of charge.
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Section 81- Register of charges to be kept by Registrar.
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Section 82- Company to report satisfaction of charge.
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Section 83- Power of Registrar to make entries of satisfaction and release in absence of intimation from company.
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Section 84- Intimation of appointment of receiver or manager.
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Section 85- Company's register of charges.
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Section 86- Punishment for contravention.
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Section 87- Rectification by Central Government in Register of charges.
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Chapter VII - Management and Administration (88 - 122)
Section 88- Register of members, etc.
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Section 89- Declaration in respect of beneficial interest in any share.
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Section 90- Register of significant beneficial owners in a company.
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Section 91- Power to close register of members or debenture holders or other security holders.
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Section 92- Annual return.
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Section 93- Return to be filed with Registrar in case promoters' stake changes. [Omitted]
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Section 94- Place of keeping and inspection of registers, returns, etc.
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Section 95- Registers, etc., to be evidence.
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Section 96- Annual general meeting.
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Section 97 - Power of Tribunal to call annual general meeting.
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Section 98- Power of Tribunal to call meetings of members, etc.
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Section 99- Punishment for default in complying with provisions of sections 96 to 98.
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Section 100- Calling of extraordinary general meeting.
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Section 101- Notice of meeting.
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Section 102- Statement to be annexed to notice.
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Section 103- Quorum for meetings.
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Section 104- Chairman of meetings.
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Section 105- Proxies.
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Section 106- Restriction on voting rights.
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Section 107- Voting by show of hands.
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Section 108- Voting through electronic means.
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Section 109- Demand for poll.
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Section 110- Postal ballot.
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Section 111- Circulation of members' resolution.
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Section 112- Representation of President and Governors in meetings.
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Section 113- Representation of corporations at meeting of companies and of creditors.
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Section 114- Ordinary and special resolutions.
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Section 115- Resolutions requiring special notice.
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Section 116- Resolutions passed at adjourned meeting.
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Section 117- Resolutions and agreements to be filed.
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Section 118- Minutes of proceedings of general meeting, meeting of Board of directors and other meeting and resolutions passed by postal ballot.
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Section 119- Inspection of minute-book of general meeting.
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Section 120- Maintenance and inspection of documents in electronic form.
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Section 121- Report on annual general meeting.
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Section 122- Applicability of this Chapter to One Person Company.
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Chapter VIII - Declaration and Payment of Dividend (123 - 127)
Section 123- Declaration of dividend.
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Section 124- Unpaid dividend account.
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Section 125- Investor Education and Protection Fund.
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Section 126- Right to dividend, rights shares and bonus shares to be held in abeyance pending registration of transfer of shares.
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Section 127- Punishment for failure to distribute dividends.
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Chapter IX - Accounts of Companies (128 - 138)
Section 128- Books of account, etc., to be kept by company.
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Section 129- Financial statement.
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Section 129A- Periodical financial results.
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Section 130- Re-opening of accounts on Court's or Tribunal's orders.
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Section 131- Voluntary revision of financial statements or Board’s report.
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Section 132- Constitution of National Financial Reporting Authority.
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Section 133- Central Government to prescribe accounting standards.
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Section 134- Financial Statement, Board's report, etc.
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Section 135- Corporate Social Responsibility.
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Section 136- Right of member to copies of audited financial statement.
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Section 137- Copy of financial statement to be filed with Registrar.
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Section 138- Internal Audit.
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Chapter X - Audit and Auditors (139 - 148)
Section 139- Appointment of auditors.
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Section 140- Removal, resignation of auditor and giving of special notice.
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Section 141- Eligibility, qualifications and disqualifications of auditors.
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Section 142- Remuneration of auditors.
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Section 143- Powers and duties of auditors and auditing standards.
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Section 144- Auditor not to render certain services.
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Section 145- Auditors to sign audit reports, etc.
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Section 146- Auditors to attend general meeting.
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Section 147- Punishment for contravention.
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Section 148- Central Government to specify audit of items of cost in respect of certain companies.
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Chapter XI - Appointment and Qualifications of Directors (149 - 172)
Section 149- Company to have Board of directors.
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Section 150- Manner of selection of independent directors and maintenance of data bank of independent directors.
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Section 151- Appointment of director elected by small shareholders.
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Section 152- Appointment of directors.
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Section 153- Application for allotment of Director Identification Number.
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Section 154 - Allotment of Director Identification Number.
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Section 155- Prohibition to obtain more than one Director Identification Number.
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Section 156- Director to intimate Director Identification Number.
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Section 157- Company to inform Director Identification Number to Registrar.
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Section 158- Obligation to indicate Director Identification Number.
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Section 159- Penalty for default of certain provisions.
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Section 160- Right of persons other than retiring directors to stand for directorship.
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Section 161- Appointment of additional director, alternate director and nominee director.
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Section 162- Appointment of directors to be voted individually.
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Section 163- Option to adopt principle of proportional representation for appointment of directors.
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Section 164- Disqualifications for appointment of director.
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Section 165- Number of directorships.
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Section 166- Duties of directors.
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Section 167- Vacation of office of director.
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Section 168- Resignation of director.
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Section 169- Removal of directors.
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Section 170- Register of directors and key managerial personnel and their shareholding.
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Section 171- Members' right to inspect.
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Section 172- Penalty.
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Chapter XII - Meetings of Board and its Powers (173 - 195)
Section 173- Meetings of Board.
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Section 174- Quorum for meetings of Board.
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Section 175- Passing of resolution by circulation.
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Section 176- Defects in appointment of directors not to invalidate actions taken.
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Section 177- Audit committee.
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Section 178- Nomination and remuneration committee and stakholders relationship committee.
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Section 179- Powers of Board.
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Section 180- Restrictions on powers of Board.
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Section 181- Company to contribute to bona fide and charitable funds, etc.
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Section 182- Prohibitions and restrictions regarding political contributions.
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Section 183- Power of Board and other persons to make contributions to national defence fund, etc.
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Section 184- Disclosure of interest by director.
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Section 185- Loan to directors, etc.
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Section 186- Loan and investment by company.
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Section 187- Investments of company to be held in its own name.
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Section 188- Related party transactions.
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Section 189- Register of contracts or arrangements in which directors are interested.
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Section 190- Contract of employment with managing or whole-time directors.
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Section 191- Payment to director for loss of office, etc., in connection with transfer of undertaking, property or shares.
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Section 192- Restriction on non-cash transactions involving directors.
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Section 193- Contract by One Person Company.
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Section 194- Prohibition on forward dealings in securities of company by director or key managerial personnel..
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Section 195- Prohibition on insider trading of securities.
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Chapter XIII - Appointment and Remuneration of Managerial Personnel (196 - 205)
Section 196- Appointment of managing director, whole-time director or manager.
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Section 197- Overall maximum managerial remuneration and managerial remuneration in case of absence or inadequacy of profits.
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Section 198- Calculation of profits.
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Section 199- Recovery of Remuneration in certain cases.
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Section 200- Central Government or a company to fix a limit with regard to remuneration.
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Section 201- Forms of, and procedure in relation to, certain applications.
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Section 202- Compensation for loss of office of managing or whole-time director or manager.
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Section 203- Appointment of key managerial personnel.
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Section 204- Secretarial Audit for bigger companies.
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Section 205- Functions of the Company Secretary.
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Chapter XIV - Inspection, Inquiry and Investigation (206 - 229)
Section 206- Power to call for information, inspect books and conduct inquiries.
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Section 207- Conduct of inspection and inquiry.
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Section 208- Report on inspection made.
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Section 209- Search and seizure.
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Section 210- Investigation into affairs of company.
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Section 211- Establishment of Serious Fraud Investigation Office.
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Section 212- Investigation into affairs of company by Serious Fraud Investigation Office.
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Section 213- Investigation into company's affairs in other cases.
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Section 214- Security for payment of costs and expenses of investigation.
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Section 215- Firm, body corporate or association not to be appointed as inspector.
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Section 216- Investigation of ownership of company.
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Section 217- Procedure, powers, etc., of inspectors.
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Section 218- Protection of employees during investigation.
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Section 219- Power of inspectors to conduct investigation into affairs of related companies, etc.
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Section 220- Seizure of documents by inspector.
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Section 221- Freezing of assets of a company on an inquiry and investigation.
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Section 222- Imposition of restrictions upon securities.
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Section 223- Inspector's report.
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Section 224- Actions to be taken in pursuance of inspector's report.
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Section 225- Expenses of investigation.
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Section 226- Voluntary winding up of company, etc., not to stop investigation proceedings.
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Section 227- Legal advisers and bankers not to disclose certain information.
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Section 228- Investigation, etc., of foreign companies.
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Section 229- Penalty for furnishing false statement, mutilation, destruction of documents.
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Chapter XV - Compromises, Arrangements and Amalgamations (230 - 240)
Section 230- Power to compromise or make arrangements with creditors and members.
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Section 231- Power of Tribunal to enforce compromise or arrangement.