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Calculate Net Profits

As per the Companies Act 2013, for paying remuneration to the Managerial Personnel, for making investment and for executing other transactions under the new law, the net profit in the manner prescribed, need to be calculated. You can use this tool to calculate the said net profit on click of button.

Net Profit before Tax:
Loss On Sale of Fixed Assets/ Undertaking (Net):
Provision for Doubtful Debts:
Charity & Donations:
Misc Expenses:
Fixed Assets Written Off:
Amortization of Lease Hold Land Premium:
News Print Claim Written-off:
Amalgamation Expenses Written Off:
Discount on Commercial Papers:
Any change in carrying amount of an asset or of a liability recognised in equity reserves including surplus in profit and loss account on measurement of the asset or the liability at fair value:
Any compensation, damages or payments made voluntarily, that is to say, otherwise than compensation or damages to be paid in virtue of any legal liability including a liability arising from a breach of contract:
Any other expenses, which has been deducted from the profits (?)

Profit by way of premium on issue of shares:
Profit on sale of forefited shares:
Profit of capital nature including profit from sale of undertaking:
Profit from sale of immovable property /fixed assets of capital nature:
Any change in carrying amount of an asset or of a liability recognised in equity reserves including surplus in profit and loss account on measurement of the asset or the liability at fair value
