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CompaniesAct.in: Graduated FAQ

FAQ QuestionDo I need to register to access the website?
FAQ QuestionWhether the website is free to access?
FAQ QuestionWhat’s the process to order for subscription of the website?
FAQ QuestionAre there any free pages on the website which is accessible to everyone?
FAQ QuestionIs there an option for Bulk Subscription?
FAQ QuestionWhat is Bulk Subscription and to whom this option is available?
FAQ QuestionWhat payment modes are available to subscribe the website?
FAQ QuestionIs there a cash payment option available for subscription?
FAQ QuestionFor offline option, can I deposit Cheque/ DD directly in a bank or do I need to send that to your office?
FAQ QuestionIs the online payment mode secure?
FAQ QuestionI chose Cheque/ DD for mode of payment. Now I want to make online payment. Can I do so? If yes, how can I do so?
FAQ QuestionI have chosen Credit Card/ Online Transfer/ Bank transfer as mode of payment. Now I want to change this to Cheque/ DD mode. Can I do so? If yes, how can I do so?
FAQ QuestionI have registered but haven’t received a verification mail. What to do now?
FAQ QuestionI have not received invoice of my order. How can I get it?
FAQ QuestionI have subscribed and made payment successfully but every-time I log in, I receive the following message: “Invalid Email id or password or please verify your account”
FAQ QuestionWhen I try to log-in, it shows me following messages: “Your subscription is not activated, Please contact the administrator.”
FAQ QuestionI have subscribed for 1 year. Now I want to extend my subscription for 2 years. What is the process?
FAQ QuestionI have an active subscription. Whether I can access the site on one system or on several types of system?
FAQ QuestionHow many users can sign-in simultaneously on several systems with single user id and password?
FAQ QuestionIn case of offline payment, from which date my subscription period will start?
FAQ QuestionWhether forthcoming features as mentioned on the site, will be free for all subscribers after launch?
FAQ QuestionI am a subscribed user of the website. On how many mobile, can I access the mobile app ICL which is a free value add?
FAQ QuestionI am a subscribed user of CompaniesAct.in. How can I get the free ICL app?
FAQ QuestionI am a subscribed user of the website. How can I avail the discount on the “Analysis of Companies Act 2013” book?
