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CompaniesAct.in: Information Forms
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DescriptionSectionsBook MarkForm NoDownload
Notice to the Registrar of Companies by one person company giving intimation of ceasing to be such company.
3(1) INC-5
Form for Change in member or nominee of One Person Company.
3(1) INC-4
Application for reservation of name of a company.
4(4) INC-1
Application for Incorporation of One Person Company. 3(1),7(1) INC-2
OPC - Nominee Consent Form
4 INC-3
Integrated IncorporationForm
4, 7, 12, 152 and 153 INC-29
Application for Incorporation of Company (Other than OPC ). 7(1) INC-7
Declaration by Professionals to be filed at the time of incorporation of a company with the Registrar of Companies
7(1)(b) INC-8
Affidavit by subscribers and first directors to be filed at the time of incorporation of a company with the Registrar of Companies
7(1)(c) INC-9
Declaration by professionals to be filed at the time of incorporation of a company with charitable objective with the Registrar of Companies
7(1)(b) INC-14
Form for verification of signature of subscribers
N.A. INC-10
Application to Regional Director for conversion of section 8 company into company of any other kind. 8(4)(ii) INC-18
Intimation to Registrar of revocation / surrender of license issued under section 8.
8(6) INC-20
Advertisement by existing companies i.e public or private limited company in the newspaper for getting  License to become a company under section 8. 8 INC-26
Application to the Registrar of Companies for the grant of licence under section 8
8(1) and 8(5) INC-12
