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Dear Group Members:- Request for provide your views for the below matter :- Roc has filed the case in reference of prosecution under section 162 (1), 220 (3) against the company in April 2008 , The Hon'ble CJM COURT, ALIPORE has been stated in the order on 15.09.2014 as The case is withdrawn u/s 257 of CRPC. Is there any need for company to file INC 28 ( form 21 - 1956), if yes then what is the time limit for the same, and as still company has not filed the same what will be steps for the same. If no then why still in master data the same is showing in Prosecution details, company have already send the hard copy to ROC by registered post. In the light of Decision / order of Hon'ble CJM COURT, ALIPORE as stated above company approached the MCA also and from there company got reply "Please contact ROC on this.We are not authorized to do so." Request to guide the same.


Posted By: Nitn mehta 9 year(s) ago

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