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A private limited company was incorporated in fy 2011-2012 but till date that company has not complied any of the roc compliances. Now the owner of the company wishes to comply all roc compliances and has agreed to pay additional fee as well for form submission. My questions are 1) For the fys 2011-12, 12-13 and 13-14 Whether all compliances shall be as per the companies act 1956 or 2013? kindly refer section, circular or notification in support of answer. 2) After incorporation auditor was appointed for the FY 2011-2012 but no compliance was made thereafter. What shall be the procedure for appointment of auditor for FY 12-13 & 13-14 other than the retiring auditor?


Posted By: Subhash bhaskar 9 year(s) ago

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