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If a company hold an EOGM to approve the offer of shares u/s 42 & 62 and file MGT-14 within 30 days and then call board meeting next month and issue offer letter, F-GNL-2 with PAS-4 is to be filed within 30 days of this board meeting but Form GNL-2 asks for the EOGM date only. How should we file PAS-4 issued in the board meeting held after EOGM? I we enter the details of MGT-14 and date of EOGM in point 5 of the form then point 8 automatically filled up with the same date. But in fact the two dates are different. The PAS 4 is issued in the Board meeting after one month of the EOGM and if we file the form with EOGM date it will be late obviously and otherwise also it is not correct. PAS4 is to be filed within 30 days of its issue date.Can anybody help if they hv filed this form? itis urgent.

Private placement

Posted By: Anita 10 year(s) ago

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